About us

About us
Khorram Agricultural and Production Complex was officially launched in 1347. The products of this collection include paste in different weights, types of fruit compotes and all kinds of non-meat canned meat. The slogan is the name of the phrase "ultimate quality", and it has always adhered to three principles of nature, health and health. Khorram Agricultural and Industrial Complex has long been trying to apply this kind of skillful engineers and experts to this field, which, given such valuable investments, has been able to conquer the peaks of glory one after the other. It is proud of being an export company with an export volume of about 90% of its products to other countries and providing about 10% of the products of the same quality to our compatriots, according to the same working style in producing and serving the most modern machines of the world and the best materials. The primary result is a collection of farms and gardens belonging to the Khorram Agricultural Complex and the use of organic materials.
This collection includes: 1. A canister factory that can manufacture and produce cans and cans for use from zero to one hundred tons, using the most modern devices in the world, and sent to the following factories. 2. A set of specially cultivated farms for tomato planting near Farvag factory. Specially designed for the production of high-quality paste, which produces and supplies the majority of the consumer's entirely organic production. 3. The Development and Research Division, which has been able to provide all necessary needs and provide seed of organic and healthy tomatoes (in Faroeh and Mashhad) as a support for farms and gardens, using expertise, expertise and commitment. Khoram Chenaran fruit gardens located in the city of Chenarar include all types of fruits for the production of compote including pears, apples, peaches and nectarines, etc. 5. Kabul Production Plant located in Kerman 6. Factories producing paste in Faroe with a nominal capacity of about 2500 tons of paste per day. To the activity. 7. The central factory, which focuses on the production of specialized compote and canned, as well as packaging of various types of paste and so on. 8. The Transuranium Economy of Khorram located in Sarakhs
Set goals
The health of the food, which results in the health of the community. Increasing the quality of production and national production with a global reputation. Preventing the export of foreign currency from the country and increasing the national wealth. Presenting a product with the most international and international standards and offering it to dear compatriots within the country, this collection also has such honors as - Halal certification - Organic certification - Selection as a sample exporter unit for 9 consecutive periods by the Bureau of Standards and the Bureau of Oversight and Statue of Honor. Finally, the Khorram Cultivation & Industry Complex has been able to provide the consumer with a product for more than fifty years. Give it all the process Planting, harvesting, production of raw materials and production of the finished product from zero to one hundred fully, which increases the quality and health of the products.

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